The Computer’s Binary Language

Fernando Pereira
4 min readSep 13, 2022


Many have been asked how computers work? I will show you the foundations on how all processes are interconnected by 1s and 0s.

Logical Gates Representation Summary

Let’s begin with (1 + 1) = 1. It sounds erroneous isn’t? But we are at another world now. The world where things are on or off, it doesn’t matter the middle term. Only whether it is 1 or 0.

Before we truly get started the representation of logical operators are from circuits and not from the pure logics, otherwise Boole could be pissed reading the above paragraph. The symbolic NOT operator notation is the “¬” instead the bar on top of a proposition.

To simply demonster the operator function, each of them will have a short description, a truth table and also its logical representation on circuits which is critical to understand the Boolean Logic, as you have seen I put an image on the top.


1 is 0 and 0 is 1. It only accepts one input. This is what the NOT operator does.

The ¬ negates a

Many do not understand the truth table, so I will explain it briefly.

You can use any number of algarisms obviously greater than 0. As we are at the binary number system, you put each algarism in columns, and write all possibilities of these algarisms can have in rows. Once done, you create one more column to the resulting logic.

As seen above, the NOT operator only accepts one input so we only have 2 possibilities, 1 or 0.


It is one, another, or both. It is likely a plus operation, however it should not be confused with the (1 + 1) = 2, instead (1 + 1) = 1, or in other words is the 1 or 1 that gives 1. It accepts only two inputs.

The + accepts a or b as 1


1 and only 1. It accepts only two inputs. If both are not 1 then it is 0. It is similar to a multiplication.

The . only accepts a and b as 1


It is the OR operator, but with a NOT applied. While a 1 is present it is 0, otherwise it is 1.

The inverse OR


Similar to NOR, it is the AND operator with a NOT applied. Neither are 0? Then you got a 1, both are 1 then it is 0.

The inverse AND

Binary is like a door, when it is closed no one can enter, once opened anyone can!

The flow only stops when the door is closed. Comes back when it is opened. When you have these many doors opening and closing as an orchestration you will finally obtain a system, and with that system you can build anything since everything are arranged.

A Tremendous Abstract

So, you understood those many many 1s and 0s. But what does it should do for you now? This is the foundation to understand computers and more interesting it is to acknowledge how all computers on earth are interconnected.

I prefered not to cover the XOR and XNOR operators. I only showed simpler gates, the complex ones I want to give an amusement explanation.

I will use this as a base to explain later how an ADC, an ADDER, a 4-bit processor, and many other fun things works.

So, thank you for your reading and let me know if you have any suggestions or typing errors :D.

Author: Fernando 👾



Fernando Pereira
Fernando Pereira

Written by Fernando Pereira

Write, or get written. What a metaphor to be known for...

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